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Kotva 2

Skylight systems

Skylights Indu Light we supply, assemble and service many types - arched, saddle, shed, counter or point skylights with the option of filling with glass, polycarbonate or plexiglass.
We can also make flaps or blinds for daily ventilation, smoke and heat extraction or a combination of both. Control using CO2, compressed air, 24 or 230 V electricity.

Kotva 3


We implement all HVAC professions for family homes, administrative buildings and warehouse and production halls. We will be happy to provide you with complete turnkey delivery and installation, taking into account your financial and time possibilities.
HVAC includes all internal installations – heating, air conditioning, air conditioning, cooling, gas and water distribution as well as waste and sewage.

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General deliveries

Larger, more complicated or time-consuming orders are performed under the regime of the general contractor of the construction. In this way, we are able to cover both the design and design (consultation with the authorities) preparation and the actual execution of the work. The entire management of the construction then consists of communication between the investor, the architect and us, as the general contractor of the construction. In the case of refurbishments or alterations of existing buildings, we have no problem accepting appointed contractors (e.g. for MaR, SHZ etc.).

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Technical maintenance 

Our company is authorized by the manufacturer to carry out service and technical maintenance of skylights and devices for smoke and heat removal (SHEV) of the Indu Light brand according to decree 246/2001 sb.
We provide warranty and post-warranty service for HVAC equipment. We carry out service and leak checks even for equipment that is difficult to access, using horolaying equipment.

Kotva 1

2D/3D Projecting

Comprehensive solution design according to the client's specifications. Development of proposals, studies and 2D/3D projects, at the levels of ÚR, DSP, VDS, DPS. Plotting real states. Engineering and copyright supervision.

Indu-Light Praha s.r.o.
Beranových 65, areál Letov
199 00 Prague 9 – Letňany

Raiffeisenbank a.s.
Bank account: 66501 24002/5500
IBAN: CZ42 5500 0000 0066 5012 4002

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Identification number: 61246786
VAT: CZ61246786

Indu-Light Praha s.r.o.
Kroměříž Branch
Jánská 25, 767 01 Kroměříž

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